Fallout 4 how to start shadow of steel
Fallout 4 how to start shadow of steel

fallout 4 how to start shadow of steel

Memories is a new gacha game set in the same universe, and like many anime spinoff mobile games, it features an original story supervised by the series' author, Fuse. If you didn't already know, Slime Isekai Memories is based on the popular light novel and anime series That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (or Slime Isekai, for short). We also have a list of character rarities.

fallout 4 how to start shadow of steel

That said, we have info about what characters are available on day one, and the two types they are split into: Battle and Protection.

fallout 4 how to start shadow of steel

Looking for a Slime Isekai Memories tier list so you can find the best characters? Slime Isekai Memories has just released, and so it's difficult to say who's definitively the best, but we can certainly make some assumptions based on the characters from the light novels and anime.

Fallout 4 how to start shadow of steel